A sell-out crowd at the NC Policy Watch’s regular “Crucial Conversations” Tuesday heard a panel discussion on the law passed by the General Assembly last week (HB2) that rescinded the anti-discrimination ordinance recently amended by the Charlotte City Council. The new law applies to all public entities in the state (not just Charlotte) and is effective immediately.

Read more: NC General...

Although the general election is still eight months away, we’re in the midst of the primary season. I can’t turn on the TV without some political debate, town hall, political ad, or panel discussion on who’s winning or losing the primaries. The distinction between the two parties on the issue of homosexuality has never been starker. The Republicans still use us as the bogeyman, and the Democrats are finally pushing beyond grudging tolerance to full acceptance. Both parties seem fixated on same-sex marriage and never even mention discrimination in employment and housing. The federal employment non-discrimination act has been bottled up in the Congress for 20 years.

Read more: National and UMC...

The schisms in the Anglican and Methodist churches over homosexuality seems small compared with the gulf between the Democrat and Republican candidates, who are polar opposites. The media, in my attention, still gives too much attention to the “talking heads” that only search for notoriety by making outrageous statements, and the LGBT media overplays them as well. I am reminded that someone once told me that Jesse Helms was our best fund-raiser. In my blog, I refuse to acknowledge any of the nut cases who rant and rave about how homosexuals are destroying the world. They are to be pitied but not promoted, and some institutional setting would be preferable.

Read more: A Divided Nation...