I was the editor of Texas Trees magazine for 20 years, and edited Open Road and Educational Media magazines for a shorter period of time. I was a reporter for Construction News magazine. I was a tech writer for General Dynamics and Texas Instruments. After I retired, I lived in Washington, DC before moving to Raleigh, NC in 1996. I’ve traveled and photographed most of states in the US and also most of the countries in Europe. My friends run when I start to talk about having another slideshow on my big screen TV.
I’m a preacher’s kid; my father was a Methodist preacher for 45 years. I’ve remained active in that denomination through the Reconciling Ministries Network and the Stephen Ministries Program. I believe that you can be gay AND a Christian, and I’ve debated that issue in writing and in person at our North Carolina Annual Conferences.
I won’t bore you with all of my organizational and professional affiliations, but I will note that I was accredited by the International Association of Business Communicators even though I choose not to use ABC after my name.
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