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Books of the Bible

Books of the Bible

The Christian Bible includes a series of books written by many writers over hundreds of years. These are not chapters of a book, as is implied when you order a Bible. Jewish authors wrote the 27 books we call The Old Testament, and they called it the Masoretic Text or Hebrew Bible. Christian authors wrote the 24 books we call the New Testament. The canonical Christian Bible that includes both texts was confirmed by the Council of Laodicean in 363 C.E....

Public Policy

Talk About the Economy

Talk About the Economy

Most economists at this point seem to think that our economy is secure. Although the job market is finally starting to cool, the inflation rate also has dropped. Some of them think the Feds (Federal Reserve) have been too slow to drop interest rates. Of course, the state of the economy is a major factor in the election campaigns. Working class people have seen a slight increase in wages in recent years after 40 years of stagnation.The economy is changing too fast, and the data are not an accurate indication of what may occur....


Vice President Kamala Harris

Weird Elections

We’ve got a series of weird elections in the current races both nationally and locally. The most significant news recently was, of course, the decision of the President to withdraw from the campaign at the last minute after he had won most of the primaries. The surprising impact of that was the explosive growth in energy, money, and endorsements for the Vice-President. However reluctant he may have been, the Democrats had read the polls correctly that he was a drag on the campaign. The Vice-President will be back in Raleigh again this week along with her new VP selection....


More LGBTQ+ Athletes

More LGBTQ+ Athletes

Within the US, many professional athletes in a wide range of sports have come out in recent years. Unfortunately, it is still a touchy issue in terms of what impact that might have on their career. In recent years, actors and actresses have felt more comfortable in coming out without an impact on their careers. The New York City Theater is heavily gay both in actors and storylines....


Greensboro NC

Greensboro NC

Greensboro was settled in the 18th Century by the Quakers. The cities of Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem make up an area of the Piedmont known at the Triad. Greensboro’s Coliseum still serves for major sporting events. For 70 years the city served as the Headquarters of the Atlantic Coast Conference. The former F.W. Woolworth’s store is the site of the International Civil Rights Center and Museum. The city was the site of major civil rights demonstrations in 1960, 1962, and 1963. Whatever interests you may have, you will find opportunities and facilities to satisfy you regardless of the time of year....


Dog Days of Summer

 Dog Days of Summer

From the three weeks of drought in June to August when we got 5 - 8 inches of rain, the weather has been in the news. Summer thunderstorms are the norm, but even the tail end of hurricanes can carry a wallop. Hurricanes contribute a significant amount to the annual rainfall total in North Carolina. I didn’t make it to a single Symphony summer concert this year. I’ve become more sensitive to the heat, and June and early July were just too hot....