
The #MeToo movement has brought media attention to the dirty secret that the U.S. is a patriarchal nation similar to many other countries. Sexual favors are regarded as just one of the perquisites of power, such as a yacht, limousine, or private jet. In other words, it is just one more form of entitlement of the rich and powerful.

Read more: Abuses of Power

Home for the Holidays

What does that mean? If you live alone, do you have a home? If that is just someplace where you feel secure and comfortable, the I guess it's home. What about homeless people who live on the street, in a tent, or a shelter? By definition they have no home or physical security. For the first time in several years, I stayed home for Thanksgiving rather than travel to visit friends.

Read more: Home for the...

An evening at home in peaceAn evening at home in peace

On the night Jesus was born, his country was occupied by a foreign army that was huge, cruel, and efficient. It was the military might of the world. The Jewish religious leaders were collaborators with Rome who focused on keeping their status rather than serving the people. Illness, poverty, and disability were considered to be signs of God's disfavor, and thus these people were to be shunned. Shortly after his birth, he and his family were forced to flee to Egypt to escape probable death. They were refugees for about three years. They were like the refugees that flee from their homes today as the result of war, famine, and political persecution. When he returned to his native land and later became an adult, he started a new ministry of healing and teaching the common people.

Read more: Hope for Peace in...